A.EKUBAN was created with more questions than answers in mind.

A cultural studies student with a specific background in International Media & Communications, Ann-Marie’s curiosity stemmed from the profound effect that cultural spaces and products have on communities/nations/regions,

“How do shared narratives, processes and philosophies lay the foundations for cultural and socio-economic development?”

Ann-Marie’s academic interest soon developed into a passion for platforming fresh voices and cultivating partnerships across communities and borderlines. Thinking specifically about the global art market, where she started her career, the need to address contemporary polemics such as globalisation, post-colonialism and digitisation, became increasingly relevant. Not only for artists and art professionals, but for the various audiences that would capture and receive the work. Since 2023, she has led and supoprted projects in locations such as Benin City (Nigeria), Tokyo (Japan), Dubai (UAE), London (UK), Venice (Italy), Marrakech (Morroco) and Chicago (USA). Her partners and collaborators range from established auction houses to entrepreneurs and business strategists.

A.EKUBAN takes a less traditional approach. One that sees compassion and collaboration as competitive forces, and hopes to blend together the structure, agility and critical thinking necessary to develop new ventures and engage with emerging markets.

Open to talk, connect and exchange knowledge.

Ann-Marie Ekuban

Connect with me via email, a.ekuban@outlook.com